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  1. Patel Vidhu Patel Vidhu

    I generally avoid designing. I use ready made template and use word-press
    for my blog.

  2. Manoj s Manoj s

    hey grafx can i know how to create a website and publish with full details

  3. Soham Kapoor Soham Kapoor

    hiii Grafx Tv … how can i use those colour pallets in my website .
    Please tell me the procedure .

  4. Jagadishwar T Jagadishwar T

    how much does the domain cost..?

  5. Augustine Makachemu Augustine Makachemu
  6. Faisal Mahmud Faisal Mahmud
  7. Jumer Respicio Jumer Respicio

    you really a help for a newbie like me, to develop and designing a
    website, hope that you will continue on sharing your ideas and knowledge 

  8. Golam Mostafa Golam Mostafa


  9. Malika Notani Malika Notani

    that was incredible 😀 thank YOU.

  10. bmjawahar jotishe bmjawahar jotishe

    I am a basic web designer.Relay helpfully for me. Thanks. 

  11. 1J03B 1J03B

    “choose good images”

    thanks for the good tip

  12. Abbas Miya Abbas Miya

    It was really a good video


    thanks alot please i need more of this to develop on the IT field

  14. Sachin R Gowda Sachin R Gowda

    I am new to web designing and i know nothing !! I have vacations now and
    bored here !!!! Quite interested about web designing !!!! I hope you can
    help me out ! 🙂 

  15. Preeti Bhat Preeti Bhat

    Hi i dnt knw any thing abt website design should it is possible to became a
    good web site designer with in a month

  16. shameem ibrahim shameem ibrahim

    useful information… thank you Mr.Augustine 

  17. emchantingako atgeemeyldatkom emchantingako atgeemeyldatkom

    kindly send me the link to the next videos, thank you and more power.

  18. Alex Rodriguez Alex Rodriguez

    Thanks foe the video it was very helpful and also for sharing the color
    palate website. I will go head and sign up for my account.

  19. Srini Vas Srini Vas

    Hi Sir, First of all i want to thanks for uploading this video, i don’t
    know about web designing neither creating websites but i have interest to
    create , can you give some more details on how i can make web designing for
    my own self. Thanks

  20. Satish Verma Satish Verma

    Hi, thanks for uploading this video I am not a web designer but want to

  21. Laxmi Krishna Laxmi Krishna

    it was really helpful for the beginners to design a website


    I want to create a website for selling paintings online I want a step by
    step procedure to create and design the website because Iam not aware of
    webdesigning and html css so please me guide me in regard to it

  23. Faisal Mahmud Faisal Mahmud
  24. Bishwajit  B Bishwajit B

    This is very helpful and completely engaging !

  25. bal krish bal krish

    Hi Nice Job ya!!!!!!!!!!

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