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  1. Bharat Malla Bharat Malla


  2. Eric Diviney Eric Diviney

    Screen sizes vary so much there isnt really an answer for that.. the best
    answer I can give would be 960px. In general, websites built within 960px
    are adaptable on many different screens/phones/monitors etc.

  3. Sam Fullick Sam Fullick

    The minimum width of a website so it would be available on the smallest of
    screens is 975, but the height doesn’t matter.

  4. ameer koonari ameer koonari

    Very amazing video

  5. Billy Boe Billy Boe

    Thanks chong for the hostgator coupon HGSAVE25TO50

  6. Internet Marketing Portfolio Internet Marketing Portfolio

    Amazing tutorial. This is great for beginners

  7. danny nickelson danny nickelson

    great photoshop tutorial. There are different tools to get your website to
    be more interactive at tamtam Tools. com you can find some ideas. Also it
    is much easy to build a website especially with these tools. cheers

  8. shadyadel2000 shadyadel2000

    no your fking idoit it is shit and not cool video

  9. shadyadel2000 shadyadel2000

    nice tut

  10. shadyadel2000 shadyadel2000

    shut up you hater

  11. shadyadel2000 shadyadel2000

    omg leave me alone

  12. shadyadel2000 shadyadel2000

    omg leave me alone

  13. shadyadel2000 shadyadel2000

    no its not it crapy

  14. shadyadel2000 shadyadel2000

    omg leave me alone

  15. Cui Yu Cui Yu

    very good video presentation,thanks

  16. VuStudios VuNaples VuStudios VuNaples

    Very Good Video Presentation!

  17. Web-Design-Cape-Town Web-Design-Cape-Town

    Awesome YT thanks.

  18. grigoras sandu grigoras sandu

    check out this page if someone wants to improve their income best day for
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  19. kickzo kickzo

    “color overlay” that logo, barf

  20. PavelAndro PavelAndro

    i’m pretty sure his size is 1000*1350 pixels

  21. Keith Hoffart Keith Hoffart – Website Designer

  22. saurav kumar saurav kumar

    Almost free hosting on Hostgator. Use coupon code – “FREEWEBDISCOUNT” OR

  23. BeautyWithErin BeautyWithErin

    I was wondering that too! what size do we make the canvas so that it fits
    on a website?

  24. Joseph Knox Joseph Knox

    ummm.. just watched that whole thing… but, it didn’t help. I mean I have
    a hosted domain, and I copied along with what you did, with my own design
    and such. but how do I save it so that I can upload it to my cpanel, and
    how do I make the links functional and so on. this was just like how to
    draw a picture of a website


    In photoshop, select FILE > NEW > WEB> Your preset are 800 x 600, 1600 x
    1200 and so forth. Commons are 1600 x 1200. There’s no real set size
    because monitors are made different sizes. But, a safe size would be 1600 x

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